Restoration Hardware Bakers Rack for Sale in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania For Sale
Price: $800
Type: Furniture,
For Sale
- Private.
In new condition, only 1.5 years old! Buying it from me you won't have to pay TAX and SHIPPING which saves you over $300!
Cash only.
Description from RH website:
We've repurposed the design of a rolling baker's rack from the early 20th century, a time when commercial bakeries let their products rise, rest and cool on movable racks exactly like this. Its C-shaped frame was designed to help keep contents in place.
Metal grid construction framed by sturdy steel tubing
Antique, natural-metal finish
Metal finish may oxidize over time
6 fixed shelves built of solid wood
Dry-oak finish
Sits on 4 casters
37"W x 18"D x 75"H