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CASH buyer of GIFT CARDS Call 267-335-2299 after business hours buying in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania For Sale

Type: Tickets & Traveling, For Sale - Private.

Its funny to see other stores call themselves our competitors when they don't have the cash flow to buy large orders, causing their customers to sell to us instead. Make no mistake, they are no competitor of ours! The reason we know this is because time and time again their customers come to us b/c the other stores didn't have cash, or couldn't buy their cards, or refused to buy larger value cards, or had some other excuse.
Highest actual cash offers paid!
Store address: xxxx W. Cheltenham Ave (next to shrimpies grill) Phila.
ph: 267-335-xxxx
*#1 Volume CASH Gift Card Buyer Mid-Atlantic Region*
We beat all offers every day!